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Course CSC 222 | Computer Programming II | 200 Level | 2nd Semester
Course Structure Principles of good programming, structured programming concepts, Debugging and testing, string processing, internal searching and sorting, recursion. Use a programming language different from that in CSC 201, e.g., C-Language
Course CYB 201 | Fundamentals of Cyber Security II | 200 Level | 1st Semester Download PDF
Course Structure Operating system protection mechanisms, intrusion detection systems, formal models of security, cryptography, Steganography, network and distributed system security, denial of service (and other) attack strategies, worms, viruses, transfer of funds/value across networks, electronic voting, secure applications, homeland cybersecurity policy, and government regulation of information technology.
Course CYB 202 | Systems & Network Administration | 200 Level | 2nd Semester
Course Structure This course focuses on the tasks and issues involved in the administration of distributed computing networks. Topics include user access and privileges, DHCP, DNS, remote access, file and print, update and patch management, security and network management service authentication, authorisation, and accounting systems are covered with emphasis on using cross-platform authentication. Network services including firewalls, DNS, mail, and web services, SANs, WAN administration. and network management tools. Topics will be covered a practical, business-oriented cost/benefit perspective and best practice implementation techniques. Hands-on experience will include representative technology from each of these areas.
Course CYB 203 | Cyber Security in Business and Industry | 200 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure A study of the application and integration of cybersecurity principles, frameworks, standards, and best practices to the management, governance, and policy development processes for businesses. Discussion covers the organisation, management, and governance of cybersecurity for enterprise IT in business settings: risk and risk management practices; and development and implementation of industry-wide cybersecurity initiatives and programs.
Course CYB 204 | Computer Communications Networks | 200 Level | 2nd Semester
Course Structure Basic concepts of networking. Network topologies. The concept of layered architecture modelling including OSI and the TCP/IP protocol suite. Client-server communications. Physical layer functionalities including signalling, modulation, multiplexing, line coding and synchronisation. Transmission media. Network performance measures. Data vs. signalling rates, channel bandwidth and capacity. Link layer functionalities including frame synchronisation. Circuit, packet and virtual circuit switching technologies, Local area network technologies including ETHERNET, Token Rings. Multiple-access schemes such as CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA and Token-passing. MAC addressing. Switched vs. shared ETHERNETs. Performance evaluation, including throughputs and delays, Internetworking devices including repeaters, bridges, switches, routers and gateways. Network layer protocols, including IP, ARP and ICMP. IP addressing schemes. Subnetting, Internet routing including protocols used in the Internet such as RIP, OSPF and BGP. Transport layer protocols including UDP and TCP. Ports and sockets. TCP connection establishment. Error, flow and congestion control in TCP. Applications layer protocols such as HTTP, FTP, DNS, SMTP, TELNET.
Course CYB 205 | Introduction to Digital Forensics | 200 Level | 1st Semester Download PDF
Course Structure This course will examine digital forensic as it relates to both civil and criminal investigations. The course content includes best practices in securing, processing, acquiring, examining and reporting on digital evidence. Students will be exposed to current technologies and methods as well as leading edge techniques with practical based projects and research opportunities.
Course CYB 207 | Introduction to Critical Thinking | 200 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure Introduction: critical thinking, types of thinking, description of critical thinking, importance of critical thinking; Cognitive thinking: definition of Cognition, how brain works, evolution of human brain, left brain versus right brain, importance of cognition in critical thinking, limitation of cognition; Reasoning: description of reasoning, importance of reasoning in decision making, impact of reasoning in critical thinking, is reasoning always correct?, fallacious reasoning, good and bad reasoning, limitations of reasoning; Logical thinking: what is logic?, importance of thinking logically, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, impact of logics in critical thinking, Statements and arguments: what is a statement?, what is the argument?, understanding assumption, conclusion; Thinking hats model: introduction, white, red, black, yellow, blue and green hats, application of hats Tool; Cognitive bias, what is cognitive bias?, myths about cognitive bias, how does it impact critical thinking?, debiasing strategies; Parts of critical thinking, comprehension, identification, evaluation, inference, explanation, self-assessment; Practical application of critical thinking.
Course CYB 216 | Enterprise and Perimeter Security | 200 Level | 2nd Semester
Course Structure Students will examine network-based attacks, whether originating from the Internet or the local LAN, and learn about ways to protect, detect, and defend the enterprise network from such attacks. Perimeter security (Firewalls, IDS, IPS, VPN. proxy servers) enterprise security policies, as well as securing devices on large-scale distributed networks. Students will participate in hands-on experiments and demonstrate their understanding of subject matter via writing and presentations.
Course CYB 218 | Information Security Policy | 200 Level | 2nd Semester
Course Structure Addresses ethical, legal, and policy frameworks within which information assurance and secure development lifecycle professionals must practice. Covers ethical, moral, legal and policy issues related to computers and telecommunications systems, such as how they impact privacy, fair information practices, equity, content control, and freedom of electronic speech.
Course GST 222 | Peace & Conflict Resolution | 200 Level | 2nd Semester
Course Structure Basic Concepts in peace studies and conflict resolution, peace as a vehicle of unity and development, Conflict issues, Types of conflicts, e.g., ethnic/religious/political/economic conflicts, Root causes of conflicts and violence in Africa, Indigene/settler phenomenon, Peace-building. Management of conflict and security. Elements of peace studies and conflict resolution, Developing a culture of peace, Peace mediation and peace-keeping, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Dialogue/arbitration in conflict resolution Role of international organisations in conflict resolution, e.g., ECOWAS, African Union, United Nations. etc.